Asbestos Exposure
From the Industrial Revolution through the 1980s, many companies used asbestos in manufacturing and building without any significant regulation or consequences — failing to provide appropriate protective equipment or even warn hard-working employees about the risks.
It’s well-documented that asbestos companies knew about the dangers of asbestos but hid this information from workers to protect their profits. Some companies covered up the truth for decades before their negligence was exposed.
As a result, countless hard-working people were exposed to asbestos at their workplace, and millions have developed serious asbestos-related diseases such as:
Lung cancer
Esophageal Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Throat Cancers: Vocal Cord, Laryngeal, Oropharyngeal/Pharyngeal
Colon Cancers: Colon, Colorectal, Rectal
Because asbestos companies knew the risks of their products, families nationwide have turned to filing asbestos exposure lawsuits for justice. Facing thousands of lawsuits, many asbestos companies sought bankruptcy protection. In bankruptcy court, each company was ordered to set aside money to compensate workers injured by their products. Added up together, billions of dollars have been set aside to compensate workers and families injured by asbestos-related cancer and lung disease.